In a groundbreaking move for Hong Kong’s fashion scene, Dior Men’s artistic director, Kim Jones, has revealed plans to showcase the 2024 Pre-Fall men’s collection in the city during the first quarter of 2024. Following in the footsteps of other global metropolises like Tokyo, Miami, London, Los Angeles, and Cairo, Hong Kong becomes the latest destination for Dior’s fashion journey. This marks a significant moment for the brand, as it is the first time in its history that a fashion show will be held in Hong Kong, showcasing the brand’s commitment to global inclusivity and appreciation for diverse cultures.
The announcement coincides with Louis Vuitton’s decision to present its Pre-Fall 2024 show by Pharrell Williams in Hong Kong, further solidifying the city’s position as a burgeoning hub for international fashion. Dior’s return to Hong Kong, with its rich history in the local market since 1980, reflects resilience in the face of challenges, including protests and the impact of COVID-19. With 11 boutiques in the city, including six featuring the men’s line, Dior’s decision to unveil its collection in Hong Kong underscores the city’s enduring allure as a global fashion destination.
Photos: Previous Dior Men’s runway shows