In the heart of Tokyo’s Yurakucho district, the world’s first Godiva bakery, “Godiva Bakery Godipan,” has opened its doors, bringing a unique blend of Belgian chocolate craftsmanship and Japanese bakery delights to the bustling metropolis. This innovative venture by Godiva Japan Inc. seeks to redefine the bakery experience by infusing everyday bread with the richness of premium chocolate.
The concept behind Godiva Bakery Godipan is a delightful fusion of a local bakery and the renowned Godiva chocolate brand. With a nod to both newness and nostalgia, the bakery aims to offer a diverse range of bread, catering to Japanese tastes while introducing a touch of Godiva’s global flair. The bakery, strategically located in the Yurakucho shopping district, encapsulates the essence of Tokyo’s modernity intertwined with tradition.
The menu boasts approximately 30 tantalising bread options, including classics like custard cream buns, chocolate cornets, and the innovative curry bread, all priced between 300-400 yen (US$2-3). What sets Godiva Bakery Godipan apart is its commitment to using fresh, in-house-produced chocolate, cream, and cacao as “secret” ingredients, ensuring a unique and indulgent experience with every bite.
Among the seasonal selections, a Christmas limited tote set (Stollen Chocolat) is priced at 756 yen, showcasing the bakery’s commitment to offering a diverse range of flavours and experiences.
The Godiva Bakery Godipan experience extends beyond traditional offerings with signature creations like the “Godipan”, a delightful marriage of Japanese bread craftsmanship and Godiva’s chocolate magic. From the Coronet series featuring Chocolat, Strawberry, and Matcha variations to the Chocolatier’s Curry Bread and the innovative Cacao Fruit Cream Bread, each product reflects the artistry and dedication of Godiva’s chocolatiers.
For those seeking a savory indulgence, the Tartine series offers unique combinations such as Dark Chocolate and Salmon Salad, demonstrating the bakery’s commitment to pushing culinary boundaries.
The prices, ranging from 453 to 702 yen, reflect the premium quality and craftsmanship invested in every creation. Notable among them is the Chocolatier’s Curry Bread (453 yen), a harmonious blend of cacao’s bittersweet richness and the aroma of spices.
As Godiva Japan Inc. pioneers this new chapter in the world of bakeries, Godiva Bakery Godipan promises to be a haven for those seeking a perfect blend of tradition, innovation, and the unmistakable allure of Godiva chocolate. Visit the flagship store at Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan in Yurakucho and embark on a culinary journey that seamlessly intertwines the rich heritage of Japanese baking with the global sophistication of Godiva.
GODIVA Bakery Godi Pan Main Store
Address: 〒100-0006, 2-10-1 Yurakucho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan Building 1st floor
Opening Hours: 11:00-20:00 / Irregular holidays (same as Tokyo Kotsu Kaikan)
The above prices are tax included.
Photos from: Godiva Japan